Peter Fitzpatrick & Company

Peter Fitzpatrick & Company Logo and Stationery Suite

Peter Fitzpatrick & Company is a legal costs accountancy firm based in Dublin offering legal cost management services to legal professionals and corporate and state sectors.

The logo uses a simple letter F and its reflection to create an equals sign in the negative space between, representing the cost accounting services the company offers. The shapes overlap to suggest interaction between the company and its clients and the overall square shape suggests strength and control. The company name appears in understated fine type but in uppercase to add to the feeling of strength.

The logo is made up of four Pantone spot colours rather than the more usual two spot colours. Printing business cards and stationery is more expensive with four spot colours but, when coupled with a more expensive paper, this gives an impression of high quality.

Peter Fitzpatrick & Company logo
Peter Fitzpatrick & Company logo detail

Company logo
Format: print
Spec: four spot colours

Peter Fitzpatrick & Company business card
Peter Fitzpatrick & Company business card
Peter Fitzpatrick & Company business cards

Business cards
Format: print
Spec: four spot colours

Peter Fitzpatrick & Company stationery suite

Complete stationery suite
Format: print
Spec: four spot colours